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Tags: communication

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Phrases for Solving Problems as a Couple

Phrases for Solving Problems as a Couple

You know those ‘perfect couples’ you see on social media? They’re lying. Underneath the perfect online appearance are many arguments and passive-aggressive comments to get on the same page (at least long enough to appear perfect, haha!). Problem-solving is one of the toughest challenges for most couples. But there’s no way to avoid this important […]

Stop Weaponizing Therapy

Stop Weaponizing Therapy

What is “weaponizing therapy?” It’s the idea of a person using their participation in mental health therapy, individual or couples therapy, against another person as a power play. This can be done to “win” arguments or appear psychologically superior. For instance… Jane Doe goes to individual therapy every week and then comes home and tells […]

Why Does One of Us Cry Every Time We Have a Relationship Conversation?

Why Does One of Us Cry Every Time We Have a Relationship Conversation?

Whether it’s you who usually cries, or your partner, this can be frustrating, confusing, annoying, or even maddening. Especially if you’re having a relationship conversation that’s going perfectly fine and no argument has broken out. But there are reasonable explanations for this phenomenon. Here are just some. HSP-ness For one, if you tend to end […]