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Couples Therapy

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The Pitfalls of False Starts in Couples Therapy

The Pitfalls of False Starts in Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can be a powerful tool for strengthening relationships and resolving conflicts. However, it’s not a magic bullet! Many couples experience what are known as “false starts.”  These are periods of initial enthusiasm followed by a decline in session attendance or engagement. Think of it as the annual “January gym effect” but for couples […]

Stop Weaponizing Therapy

Stop Weaponizing Therapy

What is “weaponizing therapy?” It’s the idea of a person using their participation in mental health therapy, individual or couples therapy, against another person as a power play. This can be done to “win” arguments or appear psychologically superior. For instance… Jane Doe goes to individual therapy every week and then comes home and tells […]

5 Ways Couples Therapy Can Help AFTER You’ve Already Separated

5 Ways Couples Therapy Can Help AFTER You’ve Already Separated

Separation is a heavy decision, often riddled with raw emotions and a strong urge to move forward quickly. But before that final step of divorce, consider couples therapy. Yes, therapy even after you’ve separated. It might surprise you, but many couples seek therapy even after they’ve separated. On rare occasion, I’ve seen couples come to […]

When Couples Therapy Isn’t the Right Fit For Your Relationship

When Couples Therapy Isn’t the Right Fit For Your Relationship

Couples therapy can be a powerful tool for strengthening a relationship, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are situations where couples therapy might not be the most productive course of action. Here are some signs that you might be better off waiting on, or altogether skipping, couples counseling: Unwillingness to Participate Therapy requires a […]

My Partner Won’t Do Couples Therapy

My Partner Won’t Do Couples Therapy

One partner is adamant about starting couples counseling while the other is against it.  This is super common! Handling this depends on the underlying reason behind the resistance to couples therapy. The most common ones I’ve seen fall into 3 categories. Lack of Knowledge One common reason for not wanting to attend couples counseling is […]