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Phrases for Solving Problems as a Couple

Phrases for Solving Problems as a Couple

You know those ‘perfect couples’ you see on social media? They’re lying. Underneath the perfect online appearance are many arguments and passive-aggressive comments to get on the same page (at least long enough to appear perfect, haha!). Problem-solving is one of the toughest challenges for most couples. But there’s no way to avoid this important […]

The Silver Lining: Overcoming Relationship Challenges in Retirement

The Silver Lining: Overcoming Relationship Challenges in Retirement

You’ve made it to your golden years and just retired from work! You’ve worked your butt off for decades, contributed your talents to your community, raised kids, planned and saved. You’ve tended to your marriage and made it through years, even decades of joys and struggles. Now, you’re ready to relax, travel, visit the kids […]

The Pitfalls of False Starts in Couples Therapy

The Pitfalls of False Starts in Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can be a powerful tool for strengthening relationships and resolving conflicts. However, it’s not a magic bullet! Many couples experience what are known as “false starts.”  These are periods of initial enthusiasm followed by a decline in session attendance or engagement. Think of it as the annual “January gym effect” but for couples […]

Decision Point Therapy Does Not Accept Insurance for Payment: Here’s Why

Decision Point Therapy Does Not Accept Insurance for Payment: Here’s Why

I love helping people. So much so that my entire career has been built upon being a helping professional. However, those of us in the helping professions (at least in America) aren’t able to help others well making a stable living due to severe systemic failures in our healthcare system and outright exploitation by health […]